Scleral Solutions: A Closer Look at Uncommon Eye Conditions and Relief

When you think of eye conditions, common issues such as nearsightedness or farsightedness might come to mind. But beyond these well-known conditions lie a spectrum of less common, often more complex eye problems that can significantly impact your life. These uncommon eye conditions can manifest with a variety of symptoms, and they often require specialized care and treatment options. Understanding these conditions is the first step in recognizing their symptoms and seeking appropriate care.

Unraveling Uncommon Eye Conditions

Radial keratotomy (RK) was once a popular surgical procedure designed to correct myopia. It involved making a series of radial incisions in the cornea to flatten it, thereby improving the eye's ability to focus. Radial keratotomy, though groundbreaking in its time, came with a set of potential complications. These complications include corneal instability, and fluctuating vision quality with symptoms worsening in low light conditions.

Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) is a rare, serious disorder that affects the skin and mucous membranes. It is often a reaction to a medication or an infection. SJS can also cause severe eye problems, including inflammation, severe dryness, and vision impairment. The ocular complications of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome can be severe and require immediate medical attention. Symptoms include eye pain, burning, or blurred vision.

Graft vs. Host Disease (GVHD) occurs when donor cells from a transplant attack the recipient's body. While GVHD is primarily associated with bone marrow transplants, it can affect various organs, including the eyes. The effect of GVHD on the eyes can be particularly troubling. Symptoms range from mild dry eye to more severe complications such as conjunctivitis or severe dry eye syndrome. These conditions can lead to discomfort, reduced vision, and even a risk of infection.

Sjogrens Syndrome is an autoimmune disorder characterized by the body's immune system attacking its own cells and tissues. Primarily affecting the tear and saliva glands, this condition leads to chronic dryness, which can have a profound effect on your vision.  Symptoms such as gritty or burning sensations in the eyes, blurred vision, and sensitivity to light are common in those with Sjogren’s Syndrome. The persistent dryness caused by Sjogren’s Syndrome can lead to vision-related complications, such as corneal ulcers and infections.

The Role of Scleral Lenses in Eye Care

Scleral lenses are large-diameter gas-permeable contact lenses that vault over the cornea and rest on the white part of the eye. For individuals with irregular corneas or severe dry eye conditions, these lenses offer an alternative to traditional contacts. They provide a smooth optical surface, and the space between the lens and the cornea can hold a reservoir of saline solution, which helps keep your eyes moist.

For those with uncommon eye conditions, scleral lenses can be a game-changer. They not only correct vision but also protect the cornea from exposure and abrasion. If you have an irregular cornea from conditions such as radial keratotomy or keratoconus, or if you suffer from severe dry eye due to Sjogren’s Syndrome , SJS or Graft vs. Host Disease, scleral lenses may offer the relief you've been seeking.

Scleral lenses are designed to correct a range of visual acuities, providing enhanced vision quality for those with uncommon eye conditions. By creating a tear-filled vault over the cornea, they can neutralize irregularities and deliver clear, sharp vision.

Due to their size and the way they rest on the eye, they are often more stable and less likely to cause irritation. This can result in increased wear time and a greater tolerance for those who have previously struggled with contact lens use.

Embracing Scleral Solutions for Eye Health

Living with an uncommon eye condition can be challenging, but scleral lenses offer an effective solution. These advanced lenses have the power to improve vision quality, protect your eyes, and provide lasting comfort. If you are dealing with the effects of uncommon eye conditions such as Radial keratotomy, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, Graft vs. Host Disease, or Sjogren’s Syndrome, consider exploring the benefits of scleral lenses. By working with the optometrists at Factoria Eye Clinic you can find a custom solution that addresses your unique needs and helps you enjoy clearer, more comfortable vision.

Whether you're dealing with an uncommon eye condition or beginning to notice changes in your vision, schedule an eye exam with our professionals to determine if scleral lenses are the right solution for your visual needs. Visit Factoria Eye Clinic at our office in Bellevue, Washington. Please call (425) 641-2020 to book an appointment today.

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